advertising Archives - Mike Holden Sales Control your mind to achieve goals and get more done. Tue, 06 Feb 2024 13:21:52 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 193362456 Why the Media Wants You Scared Tue, 06 Feb 2024 13:21:49 +0000 The media wants you scared. They want to trigger you, make you angry and uneasy. Here I explain why and what you can do about it. Who are the Media? The media are the communication outlets that proliferate today. Their job is to education, inform and entertain. To a certain extent, they achieve this, some …

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The media wants you scared. They want to trigger you, make you angry and uneasy. Here I explain why and what you can do about it.

Who are the Media?

The media are the communication outlets that proliferate today. Their job is to education, inform and entertain. To a certain extent, they achieve this, some outlets are better than others.
When I talk about the media, I include Television, Radio and Newspapers, especially online. I also include social media because the media outlets I am referring to here, have presences on these platforms.
Media ranges from free to subscription models and from public institutions to private enterprises. They are many and varied, but they have one thing in common; They need your attention, and the dirty secret is the media wants you scared.

What does fear do to you?

Fear causes distraction and a sense of loss of control. If you are distracted and feel like you lack control, then you are more likely to make decisions that are in the interest of the media outlet or their sponsors. More on this later.

Headlines grab attention.

The first object of the mass media is to obtain your attention. This is usually done by some kind of headline. A particular piece will be summarised into half a dozen words, which will stop you in your tracks and make you engage. It’s not your fault, its human nature. We are evolved to look towards danger.

Eyeballs equals captive audience.

Once they have your attention, the piece will be designed to keep you engaged. A snappy headline will be followed by an opening that is designed to draw you into the piece. Each section will keep you engaged and sell the next section. Once you reach the end, you will be prompted to consume the next article or programme. It’s all marketing and in itself is benign, apart from your time spent, which could have been invested elsewhere.


Most Media organisations make their money through advertising or subscription. Their business model requires predictable viewing figures, either because the sponsors will pay for the number of clicks, they receive or because they know their ad will be seen by a certain number of people.
Therefore, once you are engaged in the media channel, the longer they can keep you engaged, the more beneficial to them.

Read more about how advertisers hypnotise you into buying stuff. I will also show you how you can recognise when this is happening and what you can do about it.

Purchases – you buy what they’re selling.

Back to our state of fear, distress or unease. The human condition is such that a person will always seek to ameliorate pain and discomfort. We will do something that will make us feel better. What do we see on our screens (TV, phones & PCs) after we’ve been shown something disconcerting? Advertising. The copy or script of the advert goes along the tried and trusted formula of:
“Are you feeling bad about X, Y, Z? Then purchase our super flippety gib service and product. You’ll feel great.”
In our state of fear, we will whip out our credit card and make the purchase. Or, more sinisterly, the branding will log deep in our subconscious. Feel bad, buy X.

24hr News

Back when I was growing up, the news on TV broadcasted 2 or 3 times per day, per channel. There were only three channels back then. In my naïve pre-teen mind, I was always astounded that there was exactly 30 minutes’ worth of news, going on in the world to fill the schedule. Now of course, that’s not how it works. The programmers (the hint is in the name) had 30 minutes of news airtime to fill. If a lot was going on, then the news was edited down to fill the time. But what if there was not a lot going on?

Here’s what didn’t happen in the early 80’s:

“And now the 6-o clock news from the BBC”.
“Today, nothing of importance happened. At all.”
“We will return tomorrow. In the meantime, here’s a nice film about basket-weaving to music.”

No that didn’t happen, mores the pity, because they would find some news. There’s always something bad happening, somewhere. And if not, we can talk about some dreadful things that might happen.
As TV became digital, more TV channels proliferated and we got 24-hour news channels. And they needed to be filled, usually with shocking news. Are there more terrible things happening today versus 40 years ago? No, of course not. But good news doesn’t sell. If you feel good about the world, you don’t buy stuff.


Politicians use this fear factor also. They need your votes to stay in power and they need your money, through taxes. They need your money to enact their policies, once they are in power. Fear sells at the ballot box and government departments are looking for more of a share of the budgets.
If you don’t believe me, wait till the next general election. Both sides will use the fear tactic. The incumbents will plant the side of doubt about what the opposition will do once they get in power. The opposition will highlight all the bad things that are happening, and that they will be the solution.

The real solution

I’ve belaboured this point long enough and I feel quite icky just writing about it. So here is a way you can immunise yourself from being manipulated.

No news

Do not watch any news on TV, especially 24-hour news channels and talking head TV/Radio. Do not read any newspapers either print or online. Online news is clickbait. They earn off your clicks. Don’t feed the monster.
Now, you may think you will become uninformed, but I assure you, you will be happier. You will find out about any real newsworthy events. You will become more mindful of your local community news, because your eyes and ears will be open.

Do not consume social media.

If your business model uses social media for marketing and displaying your content, then you may not be able to completely avoid social media. In that case, only use social media for the purpose of content producing. If possible, you can even outsource the re-purposing of your content onto socials. If you do this you will thank me.

Try it for a day.

Quitting News and social media may seem drastic. I would therefore recommend trying it for just one day. Plan this day in advance so that you will not be tempted. Plan to get outside into nature, if you can. Make it a day that you will not need to be contacted via phone, so you can just put your phone away for the day. A long walk in the country is ideal for this.
The day before your media fast, sit and feel how anxious you are. Give yourself a score out of ten. One being zen-chilled to ten being highly anxious. Then that night, hide your devices and remote control.
Then enjoy the day, free from the jabs and prods of the doom-mongers.
At the end of the day, asses your level of anxiety. Did it work? Let me know.

The post Why the Media Wants You Scared appeared first on Mike Holden Sales.

Using Effective Sales Tools to Realise Your Goal Fri, 19 Oct 2018 18:20:42 +0000 Today, there are a lot of sales tools to make yourself known and reach as many customers as you can. These tools are essential in your business because they can help propel you to success.

The post Using Effective Sales Tools to Realise Your Goal appeared first on Mike Holden Sales.

Using Effective Sales Tools to Realise Your Goal

Today, there are a lot of sales tools to make yourself known and reach as many customers as you can. These tools are essential in your business because they can help propel you to success.

The Telephone

The telephone is a very important business tool. In fact, it is widely used right now by both small-scale businesses to large corporate empires. Call centers are set up everywhere, even carried offshore to maximise cost and efficiency. Why? It’s because the telephone is very powerful. You can inquire a product through phone, place and confirm orders, and collect payment through this device. As a salesperson, you can reach your possible customers without leaving your home or office. You can talk to them at their most convenient time. You don’t need to worry about traveling, what to wear or where to meet. All you have to do is to press a few numbers on the keypad, wait for the person to answer on the other end of the line, and you have a deal brewing right under your nose. I will go into more detail on telephone prospecting later.

Local Community Groups

To realise your goal much faster than expected, you have to first reach the local groups with which they belong. It is advisable that you become known in the local community you would like to penetrate first. You have to build your reputation well, so to speak. You will benefit most if you use the power of the word of mouth. If everything goes well, you might not have to go to your customer at all. They would be coming to you instead.

Advertising and Publicity

Publicity will take you miles closer to your targets. Publicity includes the tri-media, as it is more known today. The newspapers and other printed materials, the television stations, and the radio airwaves are the things that corresponds to publicity. Spots for these may not come free, but it is worth the investment, especially if you get to make your product or service known to the masses. If you are lucky, you might just come across some of them at no cost at all. Whichever the case, you have to make sure that you choose the one that reaches your most probable customers. Don’t be too overeager and buy a television commercial spot right away only to find out that you’ve place your ads for car paints on a fashion TV show, which does not jive at all.

Direct Mail

There had been a time when direct mail is a breakthrough in mass marketing. Direct mail straightforwardly informs your customers of your sales activities and promotional offers that come with it. Direct mail connects you to the very people you want to contact. It fixes in a very personal level what your customer cannot easily resist.

Sales Promotional Materials

These are your massively produced paraphernalia, usually paperwork. Your brochures, leaflets, and inserts are what compose this category. If you want to reach as many audiences as possible without caring so much for pre-qualifying, this is the way to go. Print out thousands of leaflets and scatter them all over town. Call the local newspaper dealer and strike a deal with them, putting your inserts to all periodicals for a certain fee.
Of the three, brochures are quite different. Some brochures are printed on glossy paper and usually come colored. You don’t want to put these to waste by just giving it to somebody who is not at all interested. In essence, you have to give this only to the people who are opting to buy or are most likely to buy.

The Internet

Currently, there is no marketing tool that is as powerful as the Internet. The Internet is an avenue for everything. It is so popular even kids know how to use it. The Internet is where everybody virtually meets. If you want to market your products to the rest of the world, you can use the Internet. It is the most inexpensive way to do it. Today, everything can be done online. You can advertise, sell your product, and receive payment, all without leaving the comforts of your home or office. All you need is some knowledge of how e-commerce and internet marketing works, and get ready to be swept away by voluminous orders.

The post Using Effective Sales Tools to Realise Your Goal appeared first on Mike Holden Sales.
