Motivation Archives - Mike Holden Sales Control your mind to achieve goals and get more done. Tue, 04 Aug 2020 18:11:22 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 193362456 Some Attitudes for Success Fri, 19 Oct 2018 19:09:14 +0000 Here are some attitudes for success to adopt, but first go back to your why. What is your ultimate pain?

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Some Attitudes for Success

Here are some attitudes for success to adopt, but first go back to your why. What is your ultimate pain? What are the five worse case scenarios. Are these whys painful enough? Then turn these into positives. What are the ultimate why’s, the positive reasons. Use both these worse case scenarios and positive whys. Develop both a push and a pull. This is your motivation and will ensure your success. Remember pain can push until desire starts to pull you.

The attitudes for success to adopt

Tell me you have no money and I’ll respect you.
Tell me you don’t like the product and I’ll respectfully argue with you. Ie let me tell you some more.
Tell me you don’t like me or my company and I’ll educate you. Ie let me tell you about…
But don’t tell me you will think about it – I won’t respect this.

The art of deflecting objections

Ninety percent of objections are just stalls. Which means as a salesperson, you haven’t done your job yet.
Remember – I can’t close everyone. The goal is to close everyone who is closable and then take those people and turn them into customers for life.

The rules for creating customers for life

Never duck a phone call. Give them the bad news and be honest. Apologise regardless if it wasn’t your fault.
Send the customer to the competition if you can’t help them. You will then become the go-to person for advice. You may lose some unsuitable business but you will gain much more suitable business in the end.
Remember your customer’s family. Find out about them after you have closed them, in a non-cheesy way. Learn basic facts like birthdays, kid’s names, interests.

Use gifts appropriately, for big-ticket sales. For example a $50 signed football for a $60M deal makes sense.
Write effective thank you notes. Use language properly. For example “I really loved the xyz it looks great on the mantelpiece. Its gorgeous, my family think it’s awesome.”

Be a person

Even though you might be selling B2B, you are selling to a human being after-all. So be one yourself.

Motivation strategy

Here is an excerpt from Jordan’s motivation speech he gave his Wall Street stockbrokers every morning to motivate them:
“Every time I walked through the door or pick up the phone, I say a silent prayer and use these scripts. All my past falls away. I become as powerful as the most successful CEOs in the world. This phone is the great equaliser. Say the words in the right tone and the right structure. It doesn’t matter where I’m from. I can become great and wildly successful, with this little phone.

Act as if you are wealthy and rich already. Then you will become wealthy.
Act as if you have all the confidence in the world. Then the people will have confidence in you.
Act as if you have all the answers and the answers will come to you.”
Act as it – Use the physiology of success – Then the emotions will come.

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Procrastination and Motivation Wed, 08 Aug 2018 19:27:14 +0000 Having a plan is great, but what if you just can’t get started. This is procrastination and the causes it are many and varied. Here's the cure.

The post Procrastination and Motivation appeared first on Mike Holden Sales.


Having a plan to stay on track is great in theory. However, what if you just can’t get started, no matter how much visualising you do. This is the dreaded procrastination bug. The causes of procrastination are many and varied, for instance the goal seeming too large or too far in the future.
Here you just have to start. Then start again. Then start again. If you have a goal in life that you just can’t get started, whether it is writing your first book or even just tidying the garage, here is a method to help you get going.

15 Second method

The 15-second method is something I adapted from Al Seconda’s method in his book The 15-Second Principle.
Here the idea is to break your goal down, so that the next step is the smallest possible. Ie it only takes 15 seconds to perform. So for instance let’s say you are procrastinating about tidying the garage, your next smallest step might be just to take a roll of black bin bags to the garage. There done. Success.
This is ridiculous I hear you say, how can this achieve anything?
Well without going into psychology too much, your brain doesn’t like threats. A cluttered garage is a big-hairy-arsed, ugly psychological threat.
This causes paralysis – procrastination. However, the simple action of taking the bin bags to the garage is so insignificant as to pose no threat. “Yes, I can allow that”, the brain thinks “no threat”.

So there you find yourself, in the garage, armed with empty bins bags. “Ok I will just put a few throw away items in this bag and call it a day.” Success”. You have started. Carry on if you want to, or stop for today.
The next day’s goal could be to fill one bag with items to throw away. And so on. Little baby steps leading to, eventually, a tidy garage.
Or, what about another example, writing a book? You just can’t get started as its going to take an age to complete. Here the 15-second method works again. Set yourself a goal of just writing for 15 seconds every day.
Now anyone can do that. Obviously once you get to the computer, with your word processing program open, then you might find you write for more than 15 seconds. The point is you started and then you started again.
You keep on starting until you finish.


External Motivation

Motivation will be the most powerful thing that will help you to achieve your goal. Your Why or reason for completing your goal should be powerful enough, at the start to get you to do what needs doing.
However, there are different types of motivation. The end result should be motivating. Think of the tidy garage, the completed book or the Marathon medal. Maybe you could create a reward for yourself.
For instance if your goal is to reach an ideal shape and size, perhaps you could reward yourself with a clothes shopping trip, once you have completed the goal.
These are all examples of external motivation.
There is, however, a more powerful motivation. If you can tap into it; you will be astounded at how you will achieve any goal. It is intrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation is the motivation you derive from actually doing the things that propel you to the goal. If you can get to a stage where the intrinsic motivation exceeds the actual end goal you will have discovered the secret to all achievement – falling in love with the process.
Let’s take our running a marathon example. Let’s say you are a month into your training. You actually start to feel good – no great. Pretty soon, you love going out for your training runs. It starts to become a game to see if you can beat your last time. Soon you will be doing longer and longer runs. Eventually you arrive at race day, fully prepared and ready to achieve your goal.
If you can make a game out of performing the process steps that will take you to your goal, you can reach any goal.

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Add Emotion to Your Goal Setting Wed, 18 Jul 2018 17:01:06 +0000 Why You Should Add Emotion to Your Goal Setting Fill your dreams and goals with emotion. This is as useful step in the Law of Attraction. You are utilising a primeval faculty – your emotions. Let’s take your fledgling goal or dream. Does it fill you with desire or emotion? There is a saying in …

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Why You Should Add Emotion to Your Goal Setting

Fill your dreams and goals with emotion. This is as useful step in the Law of Attraction. You are utilising a primeval faculty – your emotions.
Let’s take your fledgling goal or dream. Does it fill you with desire or emotion? There is a saying in goal setting that when you should find a Why that makes you cry. Ie you need to find such a compelling reason to achieve this goal, that you will move mountains.
If not, you will need large amounts of self-discipline to do the work required, especially when the going gets tough. If your goal or dream is worth having, there will be tough times.

As an example, think of how you get out of bed on a cold winters’ morning, compared with when you have a morning flight to a hot sunny, holiday destination. You bounce out of bed, when you know you need to get to the airport on time. This is the kind of motivational juice you need to achieve your dreams.
But what if you don’t have the same levels of motivation. What if your dreams and goals don’t get you all emotional. How do you get yourself going?

Embrace the dark side Luke.

To get you motivation going, use the negative dark side. No I’m not saying join the forces of evil, but you could tap into the other side of your emotions – fear. There’s another saying – fear propels you, until your desire pulls you. Many successful people started out of fear, from multi-millionaires who started businesses because of the fear of poverty, to comedians who first used comedy to avoid beatings from the school bully.

If you can’t find a desire strong enough motivation, tap into your fears. Can’t think of what to fear – here are some real ones to get you going:
Cigarettes will kill you eventually – motivation to quit.
Your job is not as secure as you think it is – motivation to explore a side-line business.

TV and film companies work together with advertising agencies and big corporations, to brainwash you into buying things you don’t need – motivation to turn the damn idiot box off.
Being overweight will shorten your lifespan – motivation to lose weight.

By the way if you are looking to lose weight contact me and I will show you how I did it.

I don’t apologise for these and I could give you many, many more. I remind you of these out of love and I want you to shake yourself out of your lethargy. Just like old Ebenezer Scrooge in Dicken’s Christmas Carol, who needed sheer terror to get him to change, feel the fear and let it get you moving? Once you are on your way, then your desires will take over.

Sensory immersion

Another way to get your emotions stirred is to get a taster of your dreams. Employ all of your senses, when you think of your goals. These will increase your desires. Here are some examples:
Going to the car show rooms and sitting in the Mercedes. Feel and smell the leather seats. Listen to how it squeaks when you sit in it. Think to yourself, soon this will be mine.

Get dressed up and go to the most expensive restaurant you can find, close to you, over lunch. Just buy a small drink if you want. But sit and soak in the ambiance. Think to yourself, this is where I eat out.
Want to own some investment properties? Go on-line and check out when the nearest Real Estate Auction is. Just sit at the back and soak it in. No one needs to know that you aren’t bidding.
Want to get fit? Go for a free tour round your local gym.
Want to be a famous speaker? Join your local Toastmasters.

Whatever you goal is, think of some way that you can experience a taster of it now. Soak as much sensory information in as you can. Remember your subconscious is a faithfully, hard-working servant. It doesn’t know that you don’t own the Mercedes, it just likes how it feels, smells and drives.

Imagine how you feel

If you do the above exercise, you can use these sensory memories to add juice to your visualisations. Now, instead of just seeing yourself achieve your goal, you can feel it. This will speed up your results immeasurably.

The post Add Emotion to Your Goal Setting appeared first on Mike Holden Sales.
