Money Coach

Helping you to take control of your money and achieve financial independence.

Do you feel trapped in a job you hate? Does it look like there is no end in sight to the drudgery of the 9-5? Do you like the sound of being your own boss?

Do you yearn to work on the project you love? Do you dream of a day when you can fulfil your purpose or explore who you want to be?

There is a way out of this. A path to financial independence, so you can retire decades early. The 12 Steps to Financial Independence is a blueprint that you can follow to escape the rat race.

After a lot of trial and error I achieved Financial Freedom by age 52. I have put together my learnings into these 12 steps, so you too can achieve it.

How I can help

In my coaching I will show the secret habit that all wealthy people perform, to become rich.
You will also learn how to:

  • Form simple weekly and monthly habits to track your progress.
  • Protect yourself from any financial storm.
  • Free yourself from the shackles of bad debt.
  • Build your investment golden goose.
  • Generate instant cash now.
  • Use other people’s money to increase your cashflow.
  • Create passive income.

Set up a free initial consultation

In this zoom call, we will discuss your goals and challenges around money, to see if I can help. There is no obligation to go any further, but if we are a fit for each other, we can put an action plan together.

About Me

I help professionals in employment to achieve their financial goals. Whether it’s putting together a step-by-step plan to retire early, save up for that big-ticket dream or simply to get a handle on their day-to-day money issues, I will help to put together an easy-to-follow roadmap, which we will walk together.

I’ve always had a passion for personal development and finance and I became a Money Coach so I could help people just like you to get where you want to go with your money goals. More than ever before people need a coach to show them the way. I was lucky to reach a position of financial independence by age 52, although this was through a lot of trial and error. I will be the coach for you that I wish I had.

Set up an free initial consultation

My style is empathetic and non-judgemental. As a qualified Life-Coach and Therapist, with almost 30 years’ experience in industry, I use the skills I’ve developed to understand the deeper needs and motives of my clients so that they can gain clarity on what can sometimes be a daunting subject.

Set up an free initial consultation


How Do I Retire Early

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