My name is Mike I’m an Author, Salesman and Property Investor. I also do a reasonable impression of Popeye. I’m not a sailor but I believe life is very much like sailing the ocean waves. Let me tell you about me and hopefully that will explain.

In 1993 I graduated from The University of Leeds with a lower second-class degree in Applied Zoology. You can infer from that, that I had a fun time at Uni, but its truer to say I just floated along, with no real direction.
You see, I had no chart or compass to follow, but I did know one thing. There was a recession on , in 1993, and I needed to get a job, sharpish.
My first job
So, I took a job in a warehouse, lumping boxes around. During that time, I found a great hobby – applying for more jobs.
One significant thing did happen to me, though. I went to a careers fair and I remember a man in a suit and shiny shoes just gave me this leaflet. It was all about Careers in Sales. The front of a leaflet showed a confident, well dressed young man, with slick-back hair striding off and holding a briefcase. ‘Hmm interesting, that looks cool’ I thought to myself. The seed was sown deep down, although I didn’t pursue a career in sales, just yet.
Hungry for more
I did eventually move jobs, first with a chemical company and then in a Micro Lab in a Food Factory. No that’s not a tiny dog but a Microbiology Laboratory. It was a result and any result would do. I learned as much as I could there, but I was hungry for more.
I was still pursuing my hobby of applying for other jobs, so soon I moved up in the world, to Quality Control Technician at Iceland Frozen Foods. Mike’s gone to Iceland!
I loved that job; you could eat as much as you wanted, all in the name of Organoleptic Sampling. Mmm.
It was at Iceland that I received some life changing advice from my manager. “If you want to get anywhere in life, join your local library and use it.” So I did.
I finally listened to some advice
I read as much as I could. History and geography at first, then practical stuff like time management and goal setting. I put everything I learned into practice and I got promoted to supervisor.
I kept reading and practicing; it was full steam ahead. One book I read changed my life. It was called “The Greatest Salesman in the World” by Og Mandino. It resounded with me so much I bought my own copy. I still have that copy 25 years later. Its a bit tatty and well worn, as you can see in the picture below. It was as if someone handed me a chart and a compass.

I finally had direction. I needed to get into Sales.
The Conundrum
One problem though. How do you get into Sales without any sales experience and how do you gain sales experience without a job in Sales? So, I stayed at Iceland for another 18 months, after all, I enjoyed all that free food.
Then, not for the first time, I had a stroke of luck. I saw a job advert – a local firm were recruiting and were looking for someone with chemistry, micro-biology and food industry experience and wait for it… ‘who was looking for a first step into a sales career.’ Someone had handed me a lifeline. The rest is history, as they say.
So what now?
After a successful career in sales lasting 25 years, I became financially independent at the age of 52. I was actually financially free earlier than this, but it was only 2023 when I realised.
I became financially independent using a system, which you can read about in my book How Do I Retire Early. It describes my saving, business and investment activities, including Real Estate property. Also please do check out the other Books I’ve written.
However, after a few months chilling out, decorating the house and holidaying, I soon became bored. I have since gone back into Sales but as a Self-employed Agent. Check out my LinkedIn Profile to learn more and follow me. I don’t do it for the money, although I’ll take the money. No I do it because that is what I am. A Salesman.
I still read voraciously. I’m passionate about personal growth and human potential. I’m also a qualified life coach and hypnotherapist.
I also now spend my time building my property portfolio, but most of all my writing, which is my passion.
This is why I write this blog, to pass on my knowledge and experience and help others to achieve their full potential.
When I’m not doing all this, I’m spending time with my family, walking our dogs or watching Manchester United F.C.
So that’s my story.
It also explains why life is like sailing:
Sometimes you don’t know where you are going, but you just go with the flow. You go where the wind and currents take you.
Other times you’re stuck in the doldrums or sailing against the tide. You just keep paddling and hope you get somewhere better soon.
But the best times are when you know where you’re going and the winds are your favour.
I hope you find something in my writing that helps you get where you want to get to.
Do check out my other stuff below. I’m also available for personal coaching, message me at LinkedIn for more details.
Visit my author page on Amazon for details on my books.
Check our my Youtube channel