It doesn’t matter who wins the election

It doesn’t matter who wins the election and in this post I explain why.

“The idea that you can vote yourself into prosperity is one of the of most ludicrous that was ever entertained.” Winston Churchill

If it made a difference, it would be illegal.

You may have heard the expression “If voting made a difference, it would be illegal.” Now first I don’t subscribe to this and, I do say that you should vote on all eligible elections. We do live in a democracy and our voices should be heard.

Also, we need to keep our Governments accountable and whilst our individual vote won’t change much, combined, all our voices will make a difference. The UK’s first-past-the-post style of election, also means that poorly performing Governments we can brutally kicked out of power overnight.

No, the premise of this essay is that once you cast your vote, it doesn’t matter what the outcome is. It won’t affect your life or finances one iota.

Global economics, tax and inflation does play a part in how your finances are holding up, but not the biggest part. No, the biggest single influence on your financial well-being is your earning capability followed by your spending patterns. If your finances are in a pickle, the single best remedy is to earn more money.

How do you earn more money?

There are a myriad ways to earn more money,. They all basically boil down to how much value the marketplace or your employer perceives you have provided. This means you must provide more value or show the market how much value you are already providing.

What matters is what you do and how you think

Aside from money, your happiness and wellbeing are also not the Government’s responsibility. What matters is what you think and do. If you are waiting for the Opposition to get into power, for your life to improve, you will be waiting a long time.

It’s all good

If you’ve taken full responsibility for your own wealth, health and happiness, then the outcome of the election doesn’t matter. Vote, by all means, but watch the results with glee, knowing you will be all right whatever happens.