From Failure to Success

From Failure to Success in Sales

I’ve been in sales for almost 20 years and in this book I share everything I’ve learned along the way which has helped me go from failure to success. This book is the manual I wish I had all those years ago. I’ve had several sales jobs which included Account Management for Industrial Hygiene Chemicals and New Business Development for Capital Equipment Manufacturers. Then I’ve also had stints in Telephone and Door to Door Canvassing. I’ve put everything I’ve learned into this book – this is how I’ve built my successful career.

This book is aimed at the new salesperson or someone considering a career in sales. As a professional salesperson myself, I consider myself a perpetual student. I strive to learn and get better everyday. Seasoned professionals, therefore, may also benefit from some of the different methods and techniques I present.
Finally the Sales Superstar may also find at least one nugget to take them to the next level.

What is Your Opinion of Salespeople?

On an average day, a person encounters about three salespeople. Your phone will ring one weekend morning; a jovial salesperson is on the other end of the line selling you double glazing. As you condition yourself for a good relaxing nap, somebody begins knocking on your door and when you open it, an insurance salesperson is right at your face smiling his heart out. You try to sort out your emails before going to bed and you noticed that half of them are promotional newsletters.

What is your reaction to this? Are you annoyed? Or do you quietly congratulate the salesperson, to yourself? Your answer will uncover your true beliefs. If your answer is negative, I would suggest you spend time working on your sales philosophy. I believe Selling is one of the noblest of professions.
Salespeople are the very individuals who move the economy forward. Their job is to market the products which make companies flourish and countries prosper in the process. If nothing is sold, no money changes hands – ever. If a salesperson is not able to do his job well, then the rest of the company will fall. The CEO, down to the rank-and-file employees, will soon be out of their jobs. Multiply this over an entire economy and the result is recession and depression.

Your Power as a Salesperson

Do you see now how powerful you as a salesperson can be? In addition, because of this reason alone, you are indispensable in any company.
For a salesperson, every sale merits a commission. Therefore, for every good performance produces income and special bonuses, who then would not want to be a salesperson and become rich and successful?

Are You Up to It

Do you now want to be involved in sales, if you are not already? If you still don’t feel up for it, take heed. It is in selling where the money really lies. You do not even have to invest too much, nor would you need any capital upfront. All you needed are the right skills and the correct attitude for the job. That is exactly what this book is going to give you. After you’ve read this book, you will have the information to become a professional salesperson – a salesperson that can sell anything and everything under the sun, from a shiny new car to a multi-million pound new build factory.

Whatever product you are selling it doesn’t matter at all. You will sell your merchandise, service, or goods in a matter of minutes, hours, days, or years, depending upon their complexity and worth. You may also achieve your first million more sooner than you have ever expected.

A Born Salesperson?

Almost no one is born a super salesperson, although some may have “natural” talents in selling. Selling is a learned art and there are no tough prerequisites for it. All you need is the willingness and the desire to succeed. Once you have that, you should next get a focus on a goal. You will notice that everything then simply falls into place. You will become a master when it comes to selling.

Expect that selling is something that you can do well. Everybody can become successful in the field of sales. People go to the market each day. They shop for the food that they will eat and the things they will use. You see, almost every place is a marketplace. Selling is simply a part of our lives. Most of the time, you are on the buying side, but this time around, you are on the selling side. You must have seen good salespeople at work. Try to observe how they can make people buy their products or even ideas. They have a certain ability that makes them good at their job.

It Could be You

As you read this book, remember that that outstanding salesperson could be you. The things written here will help you, if not transform you into becoming an excellent salesperson in just a very short time. This book is for anyone in sales, no matter if it is your first time to sell or if you have any experience in selling before, even if you have tried your hand at selling and didn’t do so well.

It really doesn’t matter what your sales record is before. You could have been your company’s most terrible salesperson. As someone once said, “I am the world’s worst salesperson; therefore, I must make it easy for people to buy.”
As we start your preparation to become a professional salesperson, try to maintain a small note pad where you can list the answer to the questions, exercises, and the rest of the pointers contained in the book. Doing so will expedite the entire learning process and facilitate you becoming the professional seller that you really are.