Invest in Property
Here is one step that more than any other can really boost your Job Free Income. That is when you invest in property.
Why Invest In Property?
This is the longest chapter in this book, because I believe that property is the bedrock of real financial independence and wealth. It is the surest way for you to escape the rat race.
The Rat Race – what about you?
What is the rat race? You come out of full time education, blinking into the sunlight of the real world. Then you get a job, because you need to stand on your own two feet. You meet and fall in love with your life partner. Then you get your first house and a mort-gage. (Agreement until death). Then there is the pitter-patter of tiny feet, more expenses and responsibility. You start to think about your future and join the company’s pension scheme, with the dream of retiring happy one day, if you’re lucky.
Meanwhile you get promotions and pay rises. The addiction of more money, which you spend on cars, holidays and luxuries. You earn more, you spend more, so that you need more and more money, just to stand still. You are effectively enslaved to your job, the bank and the credit card companies.
And what about that pension? As I write this the average life expectancy in the UK is 81 and the current state pension is going up to age 67. It will eventually reach 71 and more. Currently the UK state pension is £130 per week or £6,895 per year. I don’t know about you, but this is not enough to live on.
Then there’s the company pensions. Many of the defined benefit/final salary schemes are being closed down or at least to new members. The alternatives are the defined contribution schemes, where you are relying on the stock market, which has it’s associated risks.
Property for me, therefore is the foundation of my future financial freedom.