The fourth reason to lose weight is that you will get a better quality of life. What do we mean be quality of life? We only notice our good health when we lose it. When you are ill, this clouds your whole outlook on life. As you know, a life free from disease and illness means you will get more out of life. You will also achieve more in your life.
As you will have more energy you will be more productive. Whatever it is you choose to do, you will do it better and to a higher standard. Ultimately you will enjoy life more.
There is a life energy in you and it has only one purpose, to help you reach your potential as a person. As you lose weight and become healthier, you will become more and more aware of this life energy. You will feel it coursing through your veins and even in your cells.
You will become more enthusiastic and positive about yourself.
Ok now let’s start. Watch out for the next post on how to get motivated.