Being congruent means how your fat loss relates to all the other areas of your life. To nail this fat loss thing down so that you are permanently successful, you need to tackle from many different angles.


Firstly, is there anything in your environment that needs to change? Do you have a cupboard full of tempting foods? Does the fridge beckon you in when you walk past it? A very simple start could be to throw out all the fatty, sugary treats from where you can be tempted. Bin them. Is there a specific time you are at your weakest? Take a shopping list on the weekly trip to the supermarket. Better still, do your shopping on-line so you are not tempted. Retailers are extremely adept at the dark arts of influence. Supermarket owners design their stores specifically to tempt you into impulse buying. Remove yourself from this. The same goes for TV adverts again, where brain-washing techniques abound. These days, with the ability to fast-forward the ads – why watch them? Better still, don’t watch TV at all (but that’s another EBook).


Do you have any unconscious rituals that are causing you harm? The very fact that they are unconscious means you don’t know you are doing them. Think about how you learned to drive a car. Now you can drive a car without thinking about it. It’’s the same with eating. We often eat without thinking about it. Can you bring your eating habits into conscious awareness? This means not eating whilst you are distracted. For a week try to ‘eat when you eat’, instead of eating whilst watching TV, checking your smart phone or reading! Be totally present when you eat; Do you chew the food properly or eat too quickly? Chew slowly to let your brain have the chance to register when you are full. This habit alone can often help people to lose weight. Use a food journal to record everything you eat & drink for a week. This can be a real revelation; (How many cups of coffee did I drink at 100 calories each? It will all add up, so start to become aware of it.


Can you do it? Do you believe you can do it? Have you ever lost weight before, what did you do? What changed? Do you know anyone who lost weight and kept it off – what did they do? Could you do it? Success leaves clues, which brings us on to the next area.

Beliefs and Values

A belief is a conviction that you hold to be true and it is only a habit of thought. This is your view of the world. However, I would like to suggest to you that your beliefs are not necessarily true. Beliefs can be supportive or they can hold you back. The beliefs that hold you back are called limiting beliefs. Do you believe deep down that you can lose the fat for good? What kind of things do you say to yourself? It is possible to change beliefs, with dedication. I will show you later how to do this. Examine your beliefs around health and fitness; do you place any value on this? Could you raise your awareness and focus on this?


Can you see yourself being the slim, fit and healthy person you want to be? One reason that some diets fail is that the fat loss is so quick that the unconscious mind doesn’t have the chance to acclimatise to the new you. Your unconscious mind will do anything to protect you especially if it things you are starving. It’s a bit like when a lottery winner blows all their newly acquired wealth and returns to the level they were at before. What we will show you is a way for you to change at a core level, so that the unconscious mind doesn’t scupper your plans.


This is another way of describing how you relate to other people. How will the ‘new you’ affect those around you. Will those nearest and dearest to you unconsciously try to sabotage your efforts, because it threatens them? This can be common. Think about whether you can bring them on the same journey. We will talk about support in a later post because getting good positive support can be very powerful in helping you lose weight.