12. Forming New Habits

Forming New Habits

The key to effortless and permanent fat loss is learning to form new habits. Where the weight loss industry falls down is that it focuses on the specific habits, without showing you how to form the habits. Another fault with diets is that they try to get you to change everything all at once. This is a recipe for disaster; starving yourself will only make an enemy out of your biggest ally – your body.

The program I have developed, over my lifetime by trial and error, is designed to form small habits one at a time. This way each habit is automatic, so that you never have to consciously think about it again.
Your weight loss will be steady and consistent. This is far better than the misery of yo-yo dieting.

The Law of the Chocolate Chip Cookie

Have you heard of the Law of the Chocolate Chip Cookie? It states that if the cookies don’t get in the grocery trolley, they don’t get home. If they don’t get home, they don’’t get in the biscuit tin. So if they are not in your biscuit tin, they won’t get in your mouth. If they don’t get in your mouth, they don’t turn into belly fat. So how do you stop the cookie getting into the trolley? By understanding the habits that force you to put them in the trolley and then changing those habits.