27. Types of Cardiovascular Exercises

Types of Cardiovascular Exercises

There are many cardiovascular exercises you can do to help lose weight. Here are a few simple ones.


Probably one of the most effective forms of exercise. Over one hundred calories burned per mile at a brisk pace. Always remember the 20-minute rule; After 20 minutes of continuous mild exercise like walking the body will start to burn off fat stores. If it’s been a while since you have done any exercise, always build up slowly at first. Let your body be your guide – if it hurts, it’s your body’s way of telling you to stop.


Once you start getting fitter with the walking, your pace will build up and so will your distances. You might wish to fit some jogging into the middle part of your walk. Always remember that you want to keep your heart rate around 70% and no more than 80%.


As you get fitter and fitter, start to look at your lifestyle and what changes you could make to increase your exercise. Remember it doesn’t need to be an exercise session. Oh and some of them are better for the environment.

Walk to the shops instead of driving.If you have to drive to the shop, always park the furthest point away from where you need to get to.
Take the stairs, not the lift – this is a terrific form of exercise.
Could you stand up in the office more?
Walk the kids to school – they will love it. Honestly.