5. What is Your Purpose for Losing Weight


Let’s examine your motives, why do you want to lose weight. We saw in the last few posts some great reasons for losing weight, but unfortunately some motives can be less clear. Really examine your motives; you might want to pause here. Go somewhere quiet and reflect. It’s very important to understand why you want to do it.

Turn it into a positive

Quite a lot of people chose to embark on a fat loss programme for reasons, which are actually negative, such as the effects of negative comments by others. For example when someone offers a throwaway remark like “You look well, have you put some weight on?”

Comparing yourself unfavourably with others

This is especially true with celebrities in magazines, on TV or the internet. We are bombarded with images of young waif-like models all of the time.
Because you heard the latest scare story on the TV, radio or internet
These are all valid starting points, which will often be the kick we need to take action. It’s essential now for you to convert your motivation into a positive one. Positive motivations would be health, feeling good or higher esteem. The reason for this is that you want to stay motivated. If you have a negative (moving away from) motivation, you will abandon your new lifestyle when you reach your target weight. Remember this is about permanent change, so choose a positive motivation to keep you slim and healthy forever.
Imagine what you will feel like and the things you will do. Focus on these. What will really get your juices flowing, what will get you moving on a cold morning? Really add emotion to it. What will you feel like wearing the new clothes? What will the buzz feel like when you step on the scales and they show you that you are at your target weight?


Overeating is usually an effect of other issues, such as low self-esteem, stress, boredom etc. Be honest with yourself, is there something else that needs addressing? Is it on a deeper level? Is the overeating just a symptom of something else? The last thing I want is for you to be thin and depressed. Losing weight may help as part of an over-all look at your lifestyle.


quality of life


The fourth reason to lose weight is that you will get a better quality of life. What do we mean be quality of life? We only notice our good health when we lose it. When you are ill, this clouds your whole outlook on life. As you know, a life free from disease and illness means you will get more out of life. You will also achieve more in your life.

As you will have more energy you will be more productive. Whatever it is you choose to do, you will do it better and to a higher standard. Ultimately you will enjoy life more.

There is a life energy in you and it has only one purpose, to help you reach your potential as a person. As you lose weight and become healthier, you will become more and more aware of this life energy. You will feel it coursing through your veins and even in your cells.

You will become more enthusiastic and positive about yourself.
Ok now let’s start. Watch out for the next post on how to get motivated.

13. Identifying Bad Habits

identifying bad habits


As we’ve discussed before it is better to spend time analysing what could go wrong before you start, this means identifying bad habits before they start. That way you can have a plan of what to do to overcome any hurdles. Think of any habits that pop into mind. For example do you finish off your children’s leftovers? I did but not anymore.

What other bad habits do you have around food? Do you always finish off your plate even if you are full? Or do you always pick up that chocolate bar when you fill up at the petrol station?