

Assuming that you are in business, you will need a steady flow of new customers. Much of the modern business literature talks about marketing, especially on-line, on the one hand. On the other side, there is a lot written about face-to-face sales technique and the dark arts of influence. Continue reading “Prospecting”

Regression and Revivification

Regression and Revivification

Does hypnosis work for anxiety and panic attacks? The short answer is yes, hypnosis does work for anxiety and panic attacks. There are many reasons for the anxiety and panic attacks and your therapist will need to know what they are before they can help you. Some common treatments for anxiety and panic attacks are the use of regression and revivification. Continue reading “Regression and Revivification”



It was a beautiful late Spring morning in back in 1993 as I stood in the phone box. I was sweating, my heart was racing and I my breathing was shallow. It was as if some invisible entity was giving me a bear hug. Yes it was that time of year again – exam time – anxiety. Continue reading “Anxiety”