31. Support


The final tenet of successful fat loss is your support structure. Who do you trust to tell them what your journey is so they encourage you and support you? Be careful who you tell. Some people may dissuade you and even tempt you away from your goal. Other well-meaning types may say you don’t need to lose weight and that you look great as you are. Just remember your motives for doing this are not short-term looks but long-term health. Only tell people who will be positive and supporting. If in doubt don’t tell people, they will notice eventually and be complimentary.

a. Fat loss buddy
b. Coach


It might be useful to find someone who will join you on your journey, someone you can share your experiences with.
This gives you accountability. A wonderful thing about people is we don’t like to let people down, so why not use this to motivate you. If you and your buddy have agreed to meet for an evening walk and it’s lashing down with rain, you are more likely to turn up than if you had no buddy. If you do it alone, no one will know if you miss one session, apart from you that is.


Every successful athlete has a coach and quite a lot of other successful people do as well, such as actors, singers, business people. The reason they are successful can be down to good coaching. Coaches can support you and give you practical advice. They can be the person to get you motivated or be the shoulder to cry on. Having a fat loss coach will give you all of this, from someone who has been there and done it. What better than being coached to lose fat by someone who has actually done it themselves. I you think you might benefit from this, contact me, I’m here to help.



Assuming that you are in business, you will need a steady flow of new customers. Much of the modern business literature talks about marketing, especially on-line, on the one hand. On the other side, there is a lot written about face-to-face sales technique and the dark arts of influence. Continue reading “Prospecting”