The Easy Way to Control Alcohol

Allen Carr Easy way to control alcohol

The Easy Way to Control Alcohol – Allen Carr, A Review

Allen Carr really is the Daddy of quitting stuff. I first came across Carr’s work over a decade ago when I worked through his Easy Way to Quit Smoking. It did work – eventually after several reads and with using other tools. Which lead me on to The Easy Way to Control Alcohol.

When I first found this book, I was simply looking for a way to control my alcohol consumption, as I felt at the time, that once I started drinking, I couldn’t control when to stop. So the title of the book was inviting to me. It was not long into the 234 pages that it became apparent that you cannot control alcohol consumption per se … unless of course you quit for good. So don’t be misled with the title; Spoiler alert – this book is about quitting for good.

You should read the book in sequence and do not skip ahead or miss anything. Each chapter builds on the previous ones, as it slowly strips away the myths and excuses one by one. When you get to the end you will have systematically erased every reason you might have for drinking. You will not want another drink

Allen Carr does tell you to keep drinking until you reach the end of the book, although obviously don’t drink and read. Eventually you will arrive at the last chapter, entitled hopefully ‘The Last Drink’. Here there are some detailed final instructions for you to follow. Don’t skip anything.

How I rate the Easy Way to Control Alcohol

This book is easy to read and you might feel it is repetitive. This is part of the cure. In a way it’s Suggestion Therapy, as you read, the instructions go into your unconscious mind.

This book should be a part of the library of anyone who wants to quit. It’s another tool to your toolbox, but I believe you should accumulate as many tools as you can, to defeat this highly addictive drug. 

The Thoughts of “A” by Albert Fitton

Albert Fitton

The Thoughts of “A” by Albert Fitton (1926-1982)

These are some of the philosophical meditations and thoughts of my Grandfather, Albert Fitton, a shop steward from Heywood, Lancashire who passed in 1982. These notes were found in his house when it was being cleared and were almost lost forever. They were passed to me and I thought it would be fitting to record them here for posterity. Continue reading “The Thoughts of “A” by Albert Fitton”

My Story of Book Reading and Trading

My story of book reading and trading

My Story of Book Reading and Trading

The first book I can remember reading was Tootles the Taxi. Well strictly speaking my Mum read it to me, when I was about four. I’ve always loved words, reading and writing. Here is my brief story of my book reading and trading side hustle. English language was my strongest subject at school. My reading became more ‘sophisticated’ through my childhood. I devoured science books, books on the paranormal, science fiction and horror. Continue reading “My Story of Book Reading and Trading”