Using an Intention Statement to Achieve Your Goals

Intention Statement

Every achievement starts with an intention. I can’t think of many good things I’ve achieved by accident. It therefore follows that if we want to achieve something we should set an intention. This is all part of goal settings and is well known, but how do we make sure that we follow through on our goals? Keeping our goals front and centre can help and for this I’ve been using an Intention Statement for a while now. Here I explain what an intention statement is and how you can use one to help you achieve your goals.

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Be Happy but not Content

Be Happy But Not Content

In one of my first sales jobs, the company wisely knew the importance of sales training and coaching. One such development programme the company set up was a ‘Sales Buddy’ system. For one day per quarter, the younger, greener sales reps would be accompanied in the field by an older more experienced sales professional. I can still remember my ‘sales buddy’ and our trips out. I also still remember and practise much of his sage advice. In particular, I remember him telling me the epitaph ‘be happy but not content.’

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Who controls the world?

Who Controls The World

Here’s my take on who controls the world. Hint – it’s not who you think.


Have you heard what They are planning next? They want to control you and make you subservient. They keep you from achieving your dreams and they don’t care about you.
You read and hear things like this in online chatrooms, social media or in bars. Idle chat maybe, but just who are They? Who does control the world?
Let’s have a look at some of the contenders for who They are.

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Using Running to Solve Problems

Using Running To Solve Problems

Running has many benefits, especially for health, such as cardiovascular exercise and mental health. Using running to solve problems, however, is a benefit few people know about.
Problems can be solved by logical analysis. They can also be solved by intuition or allowing the subconscious mind to find the solution. Using the subconscious mind to solve problems often provides more elegant solutions. But how do we get the subconscious mind to work on the problem. Well, there are many ways. You might have already noticed that answers to questions pop into your mind when you are thinking about something else. Or alternatively, you can’t remember someone’s name, but then when you are relaxing or doing something mundane like having a shower and the answer is delivered.

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6 Life Changing Virtues in The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien

JRR Tolkien The Lord Of The Rings

I can’t remember how old I was; I was sitting on my mother’s lap as she read The Hobbit to me. The tales of dragons, dwarves and hobbits transfixed me. And treasure. The image of Tolkien’s map of Middle Earth, with the mountains, rivers and a huge dragon were magical. I was always drawn back to this.

Later, when I was older, I re-read the Hobbit on my own and then tackled The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien’s 3 volume 6 book sequel to the Hobbit. This was not the same. The Lord of the Rings is not a children’s book and I struggled to get through it. The themes are deeper and adult in nature .

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