“A business executive’s habits are amongst the most important factors that determine whether he or she will be a success – or a failure” J. Paul Getty
Control your mind to achieve goals and get more done.
“A business executive’s habits are amongst the most important factors that determine whether he or she will be a success – or a failure” J. Paul Getty
How do you make real lasting change in your life?
Also, how do you make things happen out there, in the real world, things that you have in your head right now that you want to make real? Continue reading “Make Real Lasting Change”
One of the biggest challenges you might face is how to change your life from negative to positive. By that, it might mean the results you are getting in your life, but also your attitude to your life. Continue reading “How to Change your Life from Negative to Positive”
When you remove bad habits, there could be a void that needs filling. Nature abhors a vacuum as the saying goes, so be mindful about what you replace bad habits with. It would be awful to remove the smoking habit only for you to replace it with an unhealthy addiction to sugary snacks.
You are therefore going to form new good habits to replace the bad ones. Continue reading “Good Habits”
Have you ever had a bad memory pop up out of nowhere, then all of a sudden all those negative emotions and feelings come rushing back? Perhaps the same feelings of embarrassment, hurt anger or sadness come back and affect you in the here and now, years later. This isn’t right is it? Continue reading “How to Change a Bad Memory”
The other day I looked on Facebook to see if I could find some inspiration for a great blog post. As I scrolled down the newsfeed, a sudden thought flashed across my mind. Why is everyone else having fun? Continue reading “Why is everyone else having fun”
Hypnosis is heightened state of awareness and relaxation, induced by suggestion. It is where you quiet the conscious mind to such a degree, that the hypnotist can communicate directly with the subconscious mind. Continue reading “What is Hypnosis and how does it work?”
Just what is the subconscious mind? Pop psychologists talk about how to reprogram your subconscious mind, but does it really exists and what is it. As the name suggests, subconscious is something below consciousness. Continue reading “What Is Subconscious Mind?”
Here is a true story which will prove that if you take action, towards your goal, it can lead to massive gains. Continue reading “Take action – how this helps the Law of Attraction”
Does hypnosis work for anxiety and panic attacks? The short answer is yes, hypnosis does work for anxiety and panic attacks. There are many reasons for the anxiety and panic attacks and your therapist will need to know what they are before they can help you. Some common treatments for anxiety and panic attacks are the use of regression and revivification. Continue reading “Regression and Revivification”