One question you need to ask to achieve any goal.

One question

There is only one question you need to ask to achieve any goal, provided you have already clarified what the goal is and why you want it. That one question is: What is the next action?
You don’t need to know all the ins and outs of how to arrive at your goal. You don’t need to know even what the second step will be. All you need to know is the very next step. So, if you are stuck, just ask yourself, what is the next action I need to take?

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Getting Things Done by David Allen – Book Report

Getting Things Done

This post was going to be about the best books on Time Management and getting things done. As I was looking through my library and thinking about the books I’ve read, Getting Things Done by David Allen would be the top of the list. Then I realised that this is the only book on time management you need. If you’ve not yet read Getting Things Done, then read on and I explain why.

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Record your dreams

“The person with dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts” – Albert Einstein.

I’m sure Einstein was talking about those dreams which are our hopes and aspirations, rather than what goes on when we are asleep. I would like to posit that those movies we play when we are unconscious are important. Therefore, you should record your dreams so that you may benefit from them.

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