How to Rewire your Brain

How to Rewire your Brain with a Bedtime Exercise

Here is a method that is so simple but will transform your life; I call it the Bedtime Exercise and it can be used to change any bad memory.

Every night while you are in bed and about to go to sleep, let any old memory come to mind naturally. If it’s positive or neutral then let it be. If any negative memories crop up – change them. Imagine the event has changed and something else happens, which is positive. For instance, you might remember a recent argument with a loved one. Now imagine that instead of arguing you were in exactly the same circumstances but this time exchanging kind words and laughing. Or if you remember being turned down for a job interview or lost a sale. Imagine being offered that job or winning the order.

Do this to all the bad memories until you fall asleep. Repeat every night and very soon, one night only good memories will come.

Congratulations, you have rewired your brain. It will only bring you good memories when you fall asleep. This is so profound because you will have re-programmed your subconscious mind to go “Not that – this instead”.

Positive things in = positive things out.