How to Change a Bad Memory
Have you ever had a bad memory pop up out of nowhere, then all of a sudden all those negative emotions and feelings come rushing back? Perhaps the same feelings of embarrassment, hurt anger or sadness come back and affect you in the here and now, years later. This isn’t right is it? Why should the long lost events of yesteryear change how we feel now? Surely, there is a way to change a bad memory so it doesn’t make you feel bad now.
Well yes, there are some great techniques you can perform on your own, right now that will instantly change that bad memory. Here is one that is miraculous. It uses the submodalities of a memory. Let me explain.
Submodalities are the qualities of your senses. In this case, a memory is a sense that you have remembered. The memory may be a combination of the sights, sounds and feelings recalled from the event. So the submodality of a memory might be that it was bright visually or muffled sounding, for example.
A memory is not real. A memory is not the event. The event has been and gone and doesn’t exist anywhere. So although you can’t change a past event, unless you’re Dr Who, you can change your perception of it. Here’s how.
Before you perform this exercise, make sure you first read the instructions on how to induce self-hypnosis and get familiar with the process. Then read the rest of these instructions. You might need to read it a few times, so you are fully clear on the process. You will be using your imagination in this exercise. Don’t tell me you don’t have any imagination, because I don’t believe you. After all, you are only using your imagination when you remember bad memories!
The process of changing a bad memory
Before you start, think of as many beautiful, funny, positive, favourite things you can think of. You will be using these good memories at the end. Take your time on this and right down as many as you can think of.
Now go ahead and put yourself into a self-hypnotic, trance state.
While you are in trance, you will be evoking the bad memory so that you actually feel the pain. Actually, try to relive the event, in a negative way…
As I said before the submodalities are the characteristics of the sensory perception. Let’s take the sights or pictures of the event.
Does the picture of the event, or the feeling have a location? Is it in front of you? Above? Below? Wherever the image is move it somewhere else in your head.
Associated or disassociated
Are you associated (in the picture) seeing out of your eyes or are you disassociated (looking at yourself in a movie? Again, whatever it is (usually associated) do the opposite ie take yourself out of the picture, so you are watching yourself.
Is the picture moving or still? If it’s moving, make it stop or run it backwards in fast speed, like rewinding an old VHS tape. (Remember them? – ask your Dad).
Does the memory or feeling have a shape? What is it? How big is it? Large or small? These questions might seem silly; if I was treating you as a hypnotherapy client, I would be asking you to trust your gut instinct. This is your subconscious mind’s answer.
Are there any colours associated with the feelings? Change them. What is your favourite colour? Add this colour. Now make it pink with purple spots.
Are there any sounds involved? Are they loud, then turn them down. Quiet? Turn up the volume? Add some silly clown music. Remember the Benny Hill theme tune? Run the sequence with this music.
Destroy the Memory
To finally ruin this bad memory forever, move the image around. Shrink it down. Play around with it like a rubber ball.
Are there any sharp edges? Then get an imaginary nail file and smooth them down.
Finally make the image or memory fade away to nothing. You could even make it go pop like a balloon. Gone. It all goes black, a void. Silent and black.
Replace the memory
Now you have an empty void. You will feel empty for a moment, but now you fill the void with all the lovely memories you gathered at the start. Pour them into your mind. Fill all the gaps in your mind with these lovely feelings. Make sure the good memories come pouring over the edge. Then seal them up into an imaginary gift box, with a bow on.