Take Action and Your Dreams Will Come True

Take Action and Your Dreams Will Come True

When I read some books on the law of attraction, I am often infuriated by the lack of any mention of the word Action. How can this be? This is the most important step in how to use the Law of Attraction and yet it is often neglected. People think the Law is a way to get results without taking any action. This is just not so. You need to take action.

Do something – anything

What action should you take if you don’t know how to get your goal? The answer is to do something, anything that will move you towards the goal. Get in the game. The action could be something small, but make a start.
Repeated small actions towards you goals will eventually make your dreams come true. This is so critical – daily small actions in the direction.

The great thing about taking even a small action towards your goals, is that your outlook changes. The view changes. Obstacles that seemed large, appear smaller as you approach them. I do recommend planning as much as you can, although be prepared for you plans to be thrown out of the window once you get started.

Another advantage of doing something, is that you can tweak. Once you take action, you start to get results. They may not be the results you want, but these results are precious. Why so? Because feedback is the key to success. As you take action and note your results, you can adjust your actions to see if they improve your results. You can keep adjusting and adjusting and your results will get better and better.

What happened next after the visit to the garden centre?

An athlete will learn to derive happiness from the actual training. The Olympic Gold Medal maybe in the back of the mind but they will fall in love with the Dawn runs. In a similar way, an entrepreneur can fall in love with the process of prospecting for new clients, whilst the end business goals will be at the back of the mind.

Back to our story of our back garden. It didn’t take long to put up the trellising, so I decided to plant the climbers as well. As I dug a small hole for the second plant, the spade crashed against a stone about 10 cm down. So I adjusted a few centimetres back to see if I could dislodge it – crash, again I struck the stone. I moved back about 10 cm – crash. I thought, “Wow, this may be a flagstone”.

As I removed the turf above, it was clear that it was a flagstone. Ok so I thought I would remove the turf bit by bit until I had uncovered the whole flag. But oh no – another flagstone, then another. After an hour of back breaking digging, I had indeed uncovered an intact patio, which the top soil had hidden away for at least 20 years. Over the next few weekends, I transformed the area into the patio and flowerbed we had dreamed of.

So the next time you have a dream or goal, which seems just too big to start. Start anyway; you never know what you might uncover.
There is also another curious thing that happens when you take action. Coincidences happen. This is where the scientific makes way for the spiritual. It is where the unexplained happens and it is this area, where the magical element occurs. That will be the subject of a future post.