Using Running to Solve Problems

Running has many benefits, especially for health, such as cardiovascular exercise and mental health. Using running to solve problems, however, is a benefit few people know about.
Problems can be solved by logical analysis. They can also be solved by intuition or allowing the subconscious mind to find the solution. Using the subconscious mind to solve problems often provides more elegant solutions. But how do we get the subconscious mind to work on the problem. Well, there are many ways. You might have already noticed that answers to questions pop into your mind when you are thinking about something else. Or alternatively, you can’t remember someone’s name, but then when you are relaxing or doing something mundane like having a shower and the answer is delivered.

The truth is all you need to do is get your thinking mind off the problem, by distracting it with something else. Running, I find is an excellent way to do this. I noticed this myself years ago, as I’ve always enjoyed running. I would often produce answers to conundrums. It seemed like a happy by-product of doing something I enjoy. It was only much later that I realized that I could use a run to specifically solve some puzzles.

I use this method for many other creative activities such as coming up with ideas for blog posts and thinking about different marketing strategies.
Here is how I go about the practise of using running to solve problems.

1. Define the problem

The first step in using running to solve problems, is to define the problem. You should try to be as specific as possible. What is the specific outcome you would like. Asking a question is a fantastic way to define the problem and even better, are questions such as:

‘How can I?’ or ‘What would be a great way to?’

For instance, if you need more money in your life, simply asking for more money is not an effective question. A better question would be:

‘What would be a great way for me to double my income next month?’

2. Meditate on the question

The next step is to meditate on this question for a short while, about 5 minutes should be enough. Once you’ve defined the question, get yourself into a quiet place, turn off any devices so you aren’t distracted. Then close your eyes and repeat the question to yourself three times. Then let your mind go still, by concentrating on your breathing. Count down backwards from thirty to zero with each breath. Once you reach zero, open your eyes, move about then get your gear ready for your run.

3. Let the problem go

As you are getting ready for your run, let the problem go. Act as if you would if you’ve just ordered something online. You place your order then just forget about it, knowing that the parcel is ‘in the post’.

4. Go for a run

How long do you need to run for? Ideally for me it is for 20 minutes minimum, but the longer the better. If you’ve not ran for some time, then perhaps start with a fast-paced walk. Obviously if you are not a runner, then seek medical advise before starting any new exercise regime.
Running outside in nature is the best place to do this exercise. There is something about trees, greenery and open water that seems to get the creative juices flowing. Just enjoy the scenery and keep your body moving. Again, you don’t need to think about the problem, ideally you should try to forget all about it. Allow the answer to come when it is ready, there is no need to force it.
Oh, and one more tip, take something with you to record the answer.

5. The solution will arrive

Eventually the answer will arrive. It will either be a fully formed solution or it will be the inspiration to explore a next action. Either way, just let the answer come. Sometimes the answers come through in stages if it is a particularly complex problem. You will know when you are getting the answer, it will seem obvious to you, as if you should have already known it.
I talked about the subconscious mind before and this is certainly where the answer comes from. But the action of defining the problem, quieting the thinking mind, nature and physical activity seems to be an ideal combination. Psychologists talk about the flow state and maybe this has something to do with it. Either way it is certainly an enjoyable way of solving problems. If you would like to know more about how you can influence the subconscious, then check out my post Six Ways to Influence the Subconscious. In this post I describe how you can communicate with and direct the subconscious mind to change your life for the better.