What Is Subconscious Mind?
Just what is the subconscious mind? Pop psychologists talk about how to reprogram your subconscious mind, but does it really exists and what is it. As the name suggests, subconscious is something below consciousness. In the scientific literature the terms unconscious and pre-conscious mind are also used. For the purpose of this post, let’s stick with subconscious mind to describe anything that is not conscious. Just know that I am also referring to what people also call the unconscious, or pre-conscious.
Well what then is consciousness?
Before we define subconscious, we need to define consciousness. Consciousness is awareness, it is what you know is happening. You are aware of yourself as a separate person (I think therefore I am), whereas a two year old child is just aware. Consciousness is not limited to humans although there is debate about whether some animals experience self-hood. My belief is that primates and higher mammals also do. Why does my dog not bark at its own reflection? Anyway, I’m here to discuss psychology, not philosophy.
The subconscious mind is therefore mind that you are not aware of.
Your brain or more accurately your Central Nervous System is actually made up of several areas of the brain and the spinal column.
Conscious mind
The conscious mind resides in the cerebrum (including the cortex), this is the large part of the mammalian brain. It is subdivided into smaller regions, like the prefrontal cortex, where rational thought lives. In humans this takes up a larger proportion of the overall brain mass, which is why we are the most rational and aware animal.
Subconscious functions
Subconscious functions are everything you are not aware of, such as:
Feelings and emotions. These come from the limbic brain and seem to come from nowhere. You don’t decide to be happy or sad, it just results from whatever stimulus has happened, or from memories.
Memories, both storage and retrieval and dreams are generated from the whole of the cortex.
Habits and skills are formed or reside in the cerebellum.
Bodily functions, fight or flight reactions come from the brain stem. This is the ancient part of the brain.
Sensations: you don’t decide to feel physical pain, it just happens, due to some injury etc.
Characteristics of the Subconscious mind
The subconscious mind doesn’t analyse or criticise. It takes everything literally. When you program your subconscious mind, be very careful what you wish for. Also, be extremely careful with self-deprecating humour. Telling people you are useless at something, also tells your subconscious.
The subconscious also doesn’t know what is real or imagined. (TV, visualisation). Do you sometimes get emotional watching a weepy film? You consciously know it’s not real, but your empathy with the characters, sets off a subconscious feeling.
The subconscious mind uses symbolism. Words and language are largely a conscious faculty, formed in various areas of the cortex.
It Is also protective first and foremost. There are automatic programmes linked to memory and emotion. Try holding your breath. Quite soon, your brain stem will take over and force you to breathe.
It has no concept of time. Everything is in the here and now. This includes the reliving of past trauma, worrying about future. Guilt, fear and stress caused by the past and future (non-existent events) actually cause physiological changes in the body associated with flight or fight response. Over time these can build up and cause disease.
Memories of past events are caused when present stimuli (sight, taste, smells sounds) trigger a pattern of thoughts, which then can recall the memory. Each time that memory is activated, it can be slightly altered by the new stimuli. Think of the angler’s tale, after each telling, there is a slight embellishment. The next time the memory is recalled, it may be slightly different. Memories are therefore your brain remembering previous memories, they are not real. You are only recalling a memory not the event, and just like the angler’s tale, for good or bad, it’s only a story.
If you are living now with fear, guilt or sadness, because of a memory, take hope. The only thing real is what is now, right in front of you.
This is the foundation of all change.
When you grasp this deep down, in your core, then you know that you can achieve or be anything you want.