Add Emotion to Your Goal Setting

Why You Should Add Emotion to Your Goal Setting

Fill your dreams and goals with emotion. This is as useful step in the Law of Attraction. You are utilising a primeval faculty – your emotions.
Let’s take your fledgling goal or dream. Does it fill you with desire or emotion? There is a saying in goal setting that when you should find a Why that makes you cry. Ie you need to find such a compelling reason to achieve this goal, that you will move mountains.
If not, you will need large amounts of self-discipline to do the work required, especially when the going gets tough. If your goal or dream is worth having, there will be tough times.

As an example, think of how you get out of bed on a cold winters’ morning, compared with when you have a morning flight to a hot sunny, holiday destination. You bounce out of bed, when you know you need to get to the airport on time. This is the kind of motivational juice you need to achieve your dreams.
But what if you don’t have the same levels of motivation. What if your dreams and goals don’t get you all emotional. How do you get yourself going?

Embrace the dark side Luke.

To get you motivation going, use the negative dark side. No I’m not saying join the forces of evil, but you could tap into the other side of your emotions – fear. There’s another saying – fear propels you, until your desire pulls you. Many successful people started out of fear, from multi-millionaires who started businesses because of the fear of poverty, to comedians who first used comedy to avoid beatings from the school bully.

If you can’t find a desire strong enough motivation, tap into your fears. Can’t think of what to fear – here are some real ones to get you going:
Cigarettes will kill you eventually – motivation to quit.
Your job is not as secure as you think it is – motivation to explore a side-line business.

TV and film companies work together with advertising agencies and big corporations, to brainwash you into buying things you don’t need – motivation to turn the damn idiot box off.
Being overweight will shorten your lifespan – motivation to lose weight.

By the way if you are looking to lose weight contact me and I will show you how I did it.

I don’t apologise for these and I could give you many, many more. I remind you of these out of love and I want you to shake yourself out of your lethargy. Just like old Ebenezer Scrooge in Dicken’s Christmas Carol, who needed sheer terror to get him to change, feel the fear and let it get you moving? Once you are on your way, then your desires will take over.

Sensory immersion

Another way to get your emotions stirred is to get a taster of your dreams. Employ all of your senses, when you think of your goals. These will increase your desires. Here are some examples:
Going to the car show rooms and sitting in the Mercedes. Feel and smell the leather seats. Listen to how it squeaks when you sit in it. Think to yourself, soon this will be mine.

Get dressed up and go to the most expensive restaurant you can find, close to you, over lunch. Just buy a small drink if you want. But sit and soak in the ambiance. Think to yourself, this is where I eat out.
Want to own some investment properties? Go on-line and check out when the nearest Real Estate Auction is. Just sit at the back and soak it in. No one needs to know that you aren’t bidding.
Want to get fit? Go for a free tour round your local gym.
Want to be a famous speaker? Join your local Toastmasters.

Whatever you goal is, think of some way that you can experience a taster of it now. Soak as much sensory information in as you can. Remember your subconscious is a faithfully, hard-working servant. It doesn’t know that you don’t own the Mercedes, it just likes how it feels, smells and drives.

Imagine how you feel

If you do the above exercise, you can use these sensory memories to add juice to your visualisations. Now, instead of just seeing yourself achieve your goal, you can feel it. This will speed up your results immeasurably.