How to Motivate Your Customers into Action

How to Motivate Your Customers into Action

Now this is the meat of the matter. When we are talking about how to motivate your customers into action, we mean buying. And buying is the main goal of every sales deal. It is what every salesperson aims to get. The million-dollar question comes into surface: How then, can you make a customer buy?
After going through the steps listed in this book, you should have learned about product presentation, quality, appeal, customer’s objections, and the salesperson qualities. All these are taught with only one intention – that you successfully get into your customers’ heads and goad them into action.

Selling as Psychology

Selling is a very psychological thing. A good product won’t necessarily sell without an equally good salesperson behind it. Try it. Let’s do some role-playing. Get your products on the frontline and act not as an enthusiastic salesperson but as an indifferent vendor. Act like somebody who gets paid by the hour without commissions. That means you will get your salary after working hours no matter how few or how many items you have sold. See if you are going to achieve your day’s goal.

Now act like a very aggressive salesperson and take what you think is your worst product. Maybe for research, you can even select a brand or a commodity that you think is a big junk. Sell it passionately, following everything taught in this report. See if you had sold more products acting like this compared to when you are acting like the uninterested salesperson.

This is the first point you have to know. Selling is not entirely about your product. Your product won’t sell on its own. That is the very reason why your boss hired you in the first place. He knows it. You should know it too. Be reminded of this one thing: Before you can sell anything, you have to sell yourself first. This is why you are taught the qualities of a good salesperson earlier. The moment you speak to your customer about your product is the moment your customer maybe doing his best trying to trust you. If he finds that very hard to do, you are in big trouble.


The second point: Not all customers buy impulsively. You might be lucky to meet more than one compulsive customer in a day. So don’t gripe if the customer lets you talk for five whole hours only to leave the store without making a single purchase. This happens; and it does quite often, actually. So you have to know your plan of attack each time you face your customer. If he is a new customer, don’t come on too strong. Again, customers do not like to be pushed around and feel ensnared.

Keep them Interested

The third point: Keep your customer interested. Getting your customer’s attention is not enough. You have to keep the water flowing, so to speak. You have to capture their interest and sustain it. But do it in such a way that it doesn’t look as though you are going to some extreme heights just to sell to them. Customers know when you are making conversation and when you are making a sales pitch for them to buy. It is your job to keep them interested. And when their interest is at its peak, move in to close the deal. That should be the time when they are more than willing to take out their wallets right then and make the purchase.

Your Intentions

The last and main point: Let your customer know your intentions. Make it clear to them that you wanted them to buy your product, get an insurance plan, to sign up for a loan, to purchase a warranty card, or anything else you might want them to do. Calling them to action is not enough. They have to know what the real action is, what they are supposed to do. And be prepared for that. Don’t be too engrossed in your sales pitch that you are forgetting little details (like the customer has to have several identification cards to go with the purchase or other trivial things like that). Assess your customer while you are talking to them. Determine what they need to do and make them want to do it. Now that’s the best salesperson in action!

To guide you further in your selling, here are four almost magical selling techniques that you can use to your advantage: