Realise Your Goal

Realise Your Goal

To realise your goal as a salesperson, the first thing you have to do is to set it. What exactly do you want to achieve as one? Do you want to earn big bucks? Millions? Do you want to be a sales supervisor then sales director? Maybe being the company’s vice president for sales is a good idea?
When it comes to setting goals, there is only one rule to remember – set a goal that is possible to reach. There’s nothing wrong in focusing on an extravagant goal, like being a sales division head, but it won’t happen overnight, especially if you just started your job yesterday. It is better to set small, short-term goals and go from there. Achieve all these small goals one at a time, one after another, and you will surely wake up one morning on top of your career and with loads of money in your bank account at that.

Short Term Goals

Short-term goals are much easier to achieve. It takes lesser time and sometimes even lesser effort to accomplish a short-term goal. Short-term goals have a timescale of months, or even days. Let’s apply this concept and take college as an example. In order for you to finish college, you schedule yourself to attend university fairs and seminars. Doing that is a short-term goal, a small goal. Finishing college, on the other hand, is the long-term goal or the bigger goal.
Most people set big dreams with their big goals. That’s perfectly fine. There is no problem with that. The problem arises when they get tired of pursuing their dream; and eventually, they give up. They became too weary of failing because they do not understand nor realise all the complexities associated to achieving those colossal goals.
It is always preferable to begin with small goals before you head on to take big challenges and bigger dreams. Try splitting your big, long-term goals into several small but achievable short-term goals. When you look at your goals from that perspective, you will realise that your bigger goals become more attainable.

Goal Example

Let’s use a definite example again. Say you like to become a millionaire through selling. Make that your ultimate goal. Under that, make several short-term goals significant to your current position. Give yourself a month doing your selling with a simple goal of being able to pay the bills. If you have successfully achieved that, proceed with the aim of earning enough to pay the bills plus a number of your luxuries, like a monthly out-of-town vacation or a shopping spree perhaps. After those, and if you are still doing well in your craft, continue with the next set of goals. Aim to buy a house or a new car. Then make enough money to spend most of the holidays abroad with your family. Proceed to saving a bundle for your retirement. Slowly, but surely, you will eventually find your bank account with savings of seven figures at least.
Now do your own goal-setting activity. List one ultimate goal and make at least 10 baby steps leading to it. Under each small goal, make several concrete steps to do on how you can achieve each goal. Then push yourself on achieving one goal after another. Don’t skip any of your goals and you will surely be on the right track.