Some Attitudes for Success

Some Attitudes for Success

Here are some attitudes for success to adopt, but first go back to your why. What is your ultimate pain? What are the five worse case scenarios. Are these whys painful enough? Then turn these into positives. What are the ultimate why’s, the positive reasons. Use both these worse case scenarios and positive whys. Develop both a push and a pull. This is your motivation and will ensure your success. Remember pain can push until desire starts to pull you.

The attitudes for success to adopt

Tell me you have no money and I’ll respect you.
Tell me you don’t like the product and I’ll respectfully argue with you. Ie let me tell you some more.
Tell me you don’t like me or my company and I’ll educate you. Ie let me tell you about…
But don’t tell me you will think about it – I won’t respect this.

The art of deflecting objections

Ninety percent of objections are just stalls. Which means as a salesperson, you haven’t done your job yet.
Remember – I can’t close everyone. The goal is to close everyone who is closable and then take those people and turn them into customers for life.

The rules for creating customers for life

Never duck a phone call. Give them the bad news and be honest. Apologise regardless if it wasn’t your fault.
Send the customer to the competition if you can’t help them. You will then become the go-to person for advice. You may lose some unsuitable business but you will gain much more suitable business in the end.
Remember your customer’s family. Find out about them after you have closed them, in a non-cheesy way. Learn basic facts like birthdays, kid’s names, interests.

Use gifts appropriately, for big-ticket sales. For example a $50 signed football for a $60M deal makes sense.
Write effective thank you notes. Use language properly. For example “I really loved the xyz it looks great on the mantelpiece. Its gorgeous, my family think it’s awesome.”

Be a person

Even though you might be selling B2B, you are selling to a human being after-all. So be one yourself.

Motivation strategy

Here is an excerpt from Jordan’s motivation speech he gave his Wall Street stockbrokers every morning to motivate them:
“Every time I walked through the door or pick up the phone, I say a silent prayer and use these scripts. All my past falls away. I become as powerful as the most successful CEOs in the world. This phone is the great equaliser. Say the words in the right tone and the right structure. It doesn’t matter where I’m from. I can become great and wildly successful, with this little phone.

Act as if you are wealthy and rich already. Then you will become wealthy.
Act as if you have all the confidence in the world. Then the people will have confidence in you.
Act as if you have all the answers and the answers will come to you.”
Act as it – Use the physiology of success – Then the emotions will come.