What’s My Lead Content Vehicle

Having one lead content vehicle is important, when creating content. This is because it’s much easier to get traction if you concentrate your creativity on one outlet. You can then repurpose this into other formats later. My lead content vehicle is blogging.

What does lead content vehicle mean?

The lead content vehicle is simply the one you start with, which all your other content flows from. It should be the one you are most comfortable with, which usually means the one you are most adept at. This means you will be most likely to persevere with your efforts, especially at the start before you get any followers.
It should also be the one vehicle that you create yourself. This is important because your personality will come across as more authentic.

Why blogging is my chosen lead content vehicle.

Blogging is my chosen lead content vehicle because I am most comfortable with writing. It is the skill I am most proficient at; my only grade A at O-level was English Language. Although I have authored several books, the shorter format of blogs means I can explore and create around many different ideas. I can also turnover more articles in a shorter space of time, allowing me to react quicker to trends. For longer form content, I will continue to draft books. This long form content will be led by what my audience wants to read about. I will get to know about this from my audience interactions and Google Analytics.

What to do afterwards

Once you have your lead vehicle established, you can start to branch out into other vehicles. This means that you are creating daily content and you have at least some traffic/audience. I would recommend repurposing your lead content, rather than creating fresh content.
The purpose of adding additional content vehicles should be to find more traffic to send to your lead content vehicle. As you add more vehicles, this will act like the spokes of a wheel, all pointing to the hub content.


As you get more successful, you can outsource some of the functions on your lead content creation system, such as editing. Remember, though, that the creation should be done by you.
You can also outsource some or all of the repurposing. For instance, you can get videos transcribed into written pieces for blogs. You can also hire a social media executive to look after those tweets and blog posts etc.