I have always loved words and writing, so maybe I am biased, but I believe that everyone should write, if they can. Here are seven reasons why writing is good for you.
Blogging To be an authority
Blogging To be an authority
Do you want to start blogging, but are not sure if you can and should? This post is for you. I’ve always wanted to be a writer, but I never knew how. When you think about that last sentence, it might seem strange. It’s like saying I’ve always wanted to be a jogger but don’t know how. You just do it.
How to Write a Weekly blog post
How to Write a Weekly blog post
In selling it is becoming more and more important to have your own platform. We are living in such a dynamic world and who knows what the future for selling is. One thing I do know is that most research is done online, by your prospect. They will check out your company’s website and reviews. They will check out your Social Media profiles. Once way to stand out from the crowd is to have your own weekly blog, where you can establish yourself as an authority in your field. Continue reading “How to Write a Weekly blog post”