In one of my first sales jobs, the company wisely knew the importance of sales training and coaching. One such development programme the company set up was a ‘Sales Buddy’ system. For one day per quarter, the younger, greener sales reps would be accompanied in the field by an older more experienced sales professional. I can still remember my ‘sales buddy’ and our trips out. I also still remember and practise much of his sage advice. In particular, I remember him telling me the epitaph ‘be happy but not content.’
Happiness is not a goal
Why do you pursue goals? Is it to gain wealth, love, health or fame? Happiness is not a goal, so ask yourself why you are pursuing your goals. Whatever the answer is, ask why you want it. If you keep asking you will eventually become stuck. You will probably just say, so that I will be happy.
Living in the present or having goals?
Should you be living in the present, totally, or should you have goals to strive for? There are two conflicting pieces of advice on how to live our lives, but which is correct? Are they mutually exclusive or can you live with both and if so, how?
Continue reading “Living in the present or having goals?”Routine Machine by John Lamerton – my 13 Takeaways
Routine Machine by John Lamerton is chock full of ideas and tips to help you improve your habits in all facets of your life, especially business and health. Here are the 17 key takeaways I got from reading it.
Continue reading “Routine Machine by John Lamerton – my 13 Takeaways”
Being a Visionary
Being a Visionary
You can’t sell your goals but you can sell your vision. So don’t just have goals have a vision, which drives these goals.Then you become a visionary. Continue reading “Being a Visionary”
Sales Targets
From the Selling Strategy stage, you will have your sales targets to reach. This could be annual, quarter or month. In some cases, it may be week or day. Your target could be financial ie Net Sales or Gross Revenue. It could be numbers of sales. The important first stage of achieving your target is to translate it into daily activities. Continue reading “Sales Targets”
How to Set Effective Goals
How to Set Effective Goals
There is a correct way and a wrong way to write out effective goals. Poorly written goals may mean that you fail to achieve them or even worse, you achieve the goal and find out it’s not what you wanted anyway. How bad is that? Continue reading “How to Set Effective Goals”
“A business executive’s habits are amongst the most important factors that determine whether he or she will be a success – or a failure” J. Paul Getty
What are habits?
To start to break my longer-term goals down into manageable projects, I use a method which incorporates several goal-setting strategies. I call it the Monthly COMBINED method. Continue reading “Monthly COMBINED”
Mission and Long Term Goals
Mission and Long Term Goals
Now we are starting to get more specific. You are now going to attempt to translate your vision into long term goals. Later on I will show you how to write a properly worded goal, which will ensure you achieve it. Continue reading “Mission and Long Term Goals”