Reduce Debts
It can sometimes seem that debt is controlling your life but there is a way of taking back control and start to reduce debts. Continue reading “Reduce Debts”
Control your mind to achieve goals and get more done.
It can sometimes seem that debt is controlling your life but there is a way of taking back control and start to reduce debts. Continue reading “Reduce Debts”
The old adage is that what gets measured gets managed; how could you possibly become financially independent if you don’t know what the state of your finances is, now and also have plan to track your income and expenses. Continue reading “What is the State of your Finances”
Here is a brief tour of the secret power of language and how it is used in sales and influencing in general, from Trigger Words to tonal patterns. Continue reading “The Power of Language, cutting through to the close”
The Jordan Belfort Straight Line selling method is a powerful sales training course, from the man otherwise know as the Wolf of Wall Street. You can buy this course online, although it is a hell of an investment, coming in at a hefty $1,997. You might be wondering if this investment is worth it. Continue reading “Jordan Belfort Straight Line selling”
Being a salesperson should be easy. That is, if you have all the qualities of an excellent salesperson in you. However you do your job, either face-to-face, over the telephone, or through the Internet, it is important that you possess all these qualities. Continue reading “The Qualities of an Excellent Salesperson”
What is the most common reason for lack of sales? It is failure to close. You should therefore close often and early. Also do not accept the first NO. The average is 6-7 no’s before a YES! Continue reading “Closing”
No study of the Sales Process would be complete without a study of Features and Benefits and more importantly how to link the two together. Continue reading “Features and Benefits”
Once you have identified your list of viable suspects, you will need to uncover a contact name of the decision maker. Social media and the internet are useful, but they best way is to call up the company and ask them. Continue reading “My Prospecting Process”
Assuming that you are in business, you will need a steady flow of new customers. Much of the modern business literature talks about marketing, especially on-line, on the one hand. On the other side, there is a lot written about face-to-face sales technique and the dark arts of influence. Continue reading “Prospecting”
To realise your goal as a salesperson, the first thing you have to do is to set it. What exactly do you want to achieve as one? Continue reading “Realise Your Goal”