When does a habit become a habit? There is no one answer to this, simply put though is you have a new habit if you perform the activity without having to remind yourself to do it.
21 days
In popular self-help literature a lot of authors recommend doing something for 21 consecutive days, for it to be a habit. This comes from Maxwell Moltz and his book Pyscho-cybernetics. This is a good start and the way I do this is that I set myself a reminder for 21 consecutive days to perform a certain task. At the end of that time if I have done the 21 days, I am happy that I can move on to the next habit.
Keep on keeping on
What would happen if you fail at the 21-day exercise. Try again. Start again from day one, but this time tweak something. If this doesn’t work tweak it again. You can now see that you cannot fail. Just keep trying and tweaking.