Types of Sales Closing

Types of Sales Closing

Sales closing means taking the customer into the stage of commitment. This is where they actually buy – where they put out their hard earned and the not-so-hard earned cash for that matter, to buy your products. Therefore, to ensure you of a tightly sealed deal, here are some closing techniques you can take advantage of: Continue reading “Types of Sales Closing”



How important is questioning in sales? When I was a rookie Salesman in my late twenties, I attended my first external Sales Training course. I loved the course but couldn’t help but be overcome by all the information and stuff to learn and practice. Continue reading “Questioning”

Good Habits

Good Habits

When you remove bad habits, there could be a void that needs filling. Nature abhors a vacuum as the saying goes, so be mindful about what you replace bad habits with. It would be awful to remove the smoking habit only for you to replace it with an unhealthy addiction to sugary snacks.
You are therefore going to form new good habits to replace the bad ones. Continue reading “Good Habits”