Weekly and Daily Targets

Weekly and Daily Targets

Weekly Targets

Once every Friday afternoon, I set aside two hours to draft up my goals and targets for the following week.
For me I find it easier to run my week from Saturday to Friday, so that my end of week is at my Friday Review meeting with myself. More on this later.
I first look at all my monthly COMBINED goals and I write down where I want to be in each of them by the following Friday. This is a really good way of chunking down those large goals.

Next, I fill in my regular weekly targets; these are targets that I repeat every week and never change. For example, I will always ensure I ring 100 cold call customers every working week.
Then I glance down my open projects list (see later) and write down what actions I need to do the following week to move the projects forward to completion.
Finally, I add anything else that I feel needs to be achieved by the following week.
Print off your weekly goals for a section in your Success Manual.

Daily Goals

Every evening when I am winding up my working day, I will perform a Daily Review. I will talk more about this in the Scheduling section.
With goal setting, the daily review is essential to my success. It gives me that day-to-day contact with my future vision, so that I am constantly being pulled towards my destiny.
Although I have my calendar in Google calendar, which is synced across all my devices, for my daily review I have reverted back to paper. For me it just seems to ground me more in the present.
I will look at my weekly goals and targets; For each one I will write out an action that can move me towards that weekly goal.
Then I will glance down my Single Actions List (Non-project related items) and write down any that I feel can easily be fitted in or have become due.