The Thoughts of “A” by Albert Fitton

Albert Fitton

The Thoughts of “A” by Albert Fitton (1926-1982)

These are some of the philosophical meditations and thoughts of my Grandfather, Albert Fitton, a shop steward from Heywood, Lancashire who passed in 1982. These notes were found in his house when it was being cleared and were almost lost forever. They were passed to me and I thought it would be fitting to record them here for posterity. Continue reading “The Thoughts of “A” by Albert Fitton”

My Story of Book Reading and Trading

My story of book reading and trading

My Story of Book Reading and Trading

The first book I can remember reading was Tootles the Taxi. Well strictly speaking my Mum read it to me, when I was about four. I’ve always loved words, reading and writing. Here is my brief story of my book reading and trading side hustle. English language was my strongest subject at school. My reading became more ‘sophisticated’ through my childhood. I devoured science books, books on the paranormal, science fiction and horror. Continue reading “My Story of Book Reading and Trading”

The Professional Salesperson

professional salesperson

The Professional Salesperson

Here’s a very quick post to share with you what I believe it takes to become a professional salesperson.

The Sales Career

A good salesperson who knows what he wants will reap the rewards of becoming financially stable and satisfied with his career. Selling is a career. And you can be very good in it. Learn the skills, follow the steps, and enjoy successfully closing sales deals day after day after day.
Always learn the true essence of selling by heart. Selling is not all about deceiving or manipulating people. It involves talking to customers, becoming friends with them, winning their trust, and selling them your product. In short you are helping people.

A Good Sales Person

You do not have to be loud-mouthed and over-ambitious to succeed as a salesperson. Instead, you have to be a person of fine character and grace. Maintain your poise as well as those of your products. Once you and your products have attained that certain level of respect, you are very likely to make sales, sometimes even without trying.

Think of a good salesperson that you know of. It could be your boss or somebody in the marketing field you admire the most. It could even be somebody from the local store from whom you find yourself buying most often. Observe them. What do you think are the things that they are doing right, which makes you admire them totally? Do you think they are honest? Are they good in explaining? How do they talk about their product? How effective are their sales pitches on you?

Get a Mentor

You will learn a lot from a mentor. What my book teaches you is the basics, the theories, and the secrets of becoming a professional salesperson. Observing a good salesperson in action will show you more clearly how successful selling is really done.

Right now, you should have realised that being a salesperson might not happen overnight; or it might, depending on your determination and skill. It takes practice and patience. If you follow everything this report teaches, you can become a professional salesperson in the shortest time possible.
If you combine all these with regular practice and determination, you will not just become a professional salesperson very soon, but you might even be heading your own group of salespeople to train and manage. So keep in mind that the opportunities won’t end for you if you love your craft.

The Bike Seller

Let me finally finish with this story about an excellent salesperson:
A young person from London moves to Manchester and is looking for a job in a big department store. The manager asks whether he has some sales experience. He said that he was a salesperson in London before he moved. The manager asked him to report the next day. He will be hired depending upon his sales for the day.

The following day, the young person managed to get only one sale. The manager was dissatisfied with his turnout. So he said, “Our sales people here average 25 sales in a day. If you can only sell one item, I can’t take you in.”
But the person said, “It was a £100,000 purchase though.”

The manager was surprised and asked, “Really? What did you sell him?”
“Well, I sold him some mountain bike shorts. Then I sold him a helmet. But I learned that he didn’t have a mountain bike yet so I showed him one of ours. He bought one. He chose the biggest and heaviest model and he realised that it wouldn’t fit in his car’s boot. Also  he said he doesn’t know how to ride it yet so he couldn’t cycle home. So I showed him one of our transit vans and sold that to him too. I told him he could take the bicycle home with it.”

“You mean to tell me you successfully sold a bike to somebody who doesn’t know how to ride one? And you even managed to make him buy a van just to take it home? Why is he looking for biking shorts anyway if he doesn’t know how to ride a bike?” asked the manager, bewildered.
“Well actually, he was just buying a pair of roller skates for his kid. But I told him I might as well join him in his hobby. And since he said he’s too old to skate, I suggested he might as well ride a bike. So I sold all of those items to him.”

I wish you well.

I wish you well in your sales career. Now, get your gear going and start earning your first million. If you would like more information on how you can achieve your selling goals, please contact me.
It’s a Done Deal – How to Build Your Sales Career.
© Michael A. Holden 2018.
Email: [email protected]