Magical Thinking and The Law of Attraction
When people think of the Law of Attraction, they associate it with magical thinking. That is that they just need to sit and think or pray and the Universe will grant their wish. This would be the none-scientific explanation.
Now I am not suggesting that the Universe or God or whatever, doesn’t play a part – I will simply say I don’t know whether this is true or not and I don’t think anyone will ever know for sure. This is a matter of faith, not fact.
Science and Providence
What I do know is that once you start on this journey of creation, which always starts within yourself, things occur that appear strange. We have already discussed the Reticular Activating System in a previous post. I am sure most of the Magical can be explained by this faculty. I also looked at coincidences in that same post and how our nervous system has evolved to notice novelty in our environment, to flag things up as a threat or opportunity.
Whilst we explore the mind and our creative forces in the Universe, I do think we need to nod in the direction of Providence. I am a scientist by schooling, I have a degree in the Applied Zoology. My training and early career is in the logical, scientific and material.
The Leading Edge of Evolution
As I grow older and hopefully wiser, I realise that the more we know of our universe, the more we will know what we don’t know. Even our technology, whilst it discovers new answers, discovers many more questions.
As a species, we simply cannot know everything. I am fine with that and I am happy that I am here at this stage in our evolution, with our searching and creating brains. This is because I know that we are playing our part in the evolution of consciousness. I believe we are all at the leading edge of this evolution, as the Universe becomes aware of itself.
The boundary between science and spirituality
There is a place for science; its analysis and structure has enabled us to crawl out from under the rock of superstition. There is also a place for the spiritual, the deep searching within ourselves, within the dark recesses of our psyche. This is where creation takes place, all the great scientists knew this. In between is the Magical, the boundary between science and spirituality. That place just beyond what we know and before we get to faith. That, I believe is where wisdom is.
How do you get wisdom from magic?
Wisdom makes you Wise, like the Three Wise Men sometimes referred to as The Three Magi. This gives you the word Magic.
So although, I will always try to explain the Law of Attraction as the results of a sustained and specific way of thinking, at the back of my mind there are some things I can’t explain and science may never explain. But that’s ok. It doesn’t matter.
So when you ask the question, Is the Law of Attraction Real and Does it Work?You are asking the wrong question.
You should ask ‘how I can train my spiritual mind to create what I want in this material plane?’.